Building the Borderplex
NMBA Special Board of Directors Meeting, March 18, 2025
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
2:00 PM
Location: NM Border Authority
221 Pete V. Domenici Highway
Santa Teresa, NM
Members of the New Mexico Border Authority may attend a SPECIAL MEETING on Tuesday, March 18,
2025 at 2:00PM at the Authority’s Offices. The purpose of the meeting will be to meet with
representatives of NADBank to learn about potential projects and funding opportunities. No action will
be taken at the meeting, and no policy decisions will be made. The meeting will be for discussion and
information exchange. If you are an individual with a disability or other need requiring a reader, amplifier, interpreter, or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact the Border
Authority by emailing a request to or calling (575) 589-6501, faxing (575)
589-6499, or visiting its office at 221 Pete V. Domenici Hwy, Santa Teresa, NM as soon as possible.
Public Participation and Public Comment:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 851 0781 6799
Passcode: 895449
a) Joseph De La Rosa, Chair
b) Christie Ann Harvey
c) Alexander Sierra
d) Fred Heinrich
e) Emily Gojkovich
f) Andrea Tawney
g) Vacant
h) Hon. Howie Morales (or designee: Martina C’de Baca) (nonvoting ex-officio member)
Comments may be made at the beginning of the meeting, but the Chair reserves the right to place time
limits on the length of time each person is given if the schedule requires. Members of the public wishing
to provide comments must sign up no later than 10:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting by registering in
sign in sheet. Members may ask questions for clarification but may not engage in substantive discussion
or take formal action unless noticed in the meeting agenda. Comments will be taken under advisement,
and a response may be issued at a later time or may be placed on the agenda of a future public meeting
for discussion or action.
1. Consider approval of the agenda
Presenter: NMBA Chair
2. Consider approval of the minutes of January 16, 2025, NMBA board meeting
Presenter: NMBA Chair
3. Introduction
4. General discussion on NADBANK and NMBA programs and initiatives
5. Remarks
6. Adjournment
If you are an individual with a disability or other need requiring a reader, amplifier, interpreter, or any other form of
auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact the Border Authority by emailing a request
to Laura Romero at, calling (575) 589-6501, faxing (575) 589-6499, or visiting its office
at 221 Pete V. Domenici Hwy, Santa Teresa, NM with a minimum of 48 hours prior to meeting start time
Posted this 13th day of March 2025 at the New Mexico Border Authority, 221 Pete V. Domenici Hwy., Santa
Teresa, New Mexico 88008; and digitally on the website of the New Mexico Border Authority.
Posted this 13th day of March 2025 at the New Mexico Border Authority, 221 Pete V. Domenici Hwy., Santa
Teresa, New Mexico 88008; and digitally on the website of the New Mexico Border Authority
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