Building the Borderplex
Essential Services/FAQs
Essential Businesses Per Public Health Order On March 23, 2020, New Mexico Department of Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel announced a new public health emergency order suspending operations of all businesses and nonprofit entities except for those deemed essential, and...
Public Health Order
Travel Restrictions at the Southern Border
The US and Mexico have agreed to limit non-essential travel at the southern border due to the COVID-19 emergency response. Effective Saturday, March 21, 2020 at midnight (00:00). Here’s what we know: The border is not closed! Commercial traffic and goods by truck and...
NMBA Minimizes Face-to-Face Contact
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Nora Meyers SackettPress Secretary, Office of the 690-7313 March 15, 2020 Governor directs state government agencies to minimize face-to-face contact while continuing service delivery...
Columbus Land Port of Entry Flood Control Diversion Berms
The New Mexico Border Authority, in cooperation with Wilson & Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects (Wilson & Company), is under design on a multi-faceted floodwater diversion system in Luna County. The flood control project will protect the Columbus...
Santa Teresa International Rail Study
Union Pacific (CNBC)
Click here to view the video
Bi-National Community Santa Teresa, New Mexico and San Geronimo – Creating New Ways of Living
Governor Susana Martinez Celebrates Opening of Expanded Santa Teresa Port of Entry and Welcomes 15 New Jobs to Border Region
Newly expanded port supports increased growth and border trade SANTA TERESA – Governor Susana Martinez joined Chihuahua Governor César Duarte and other government officials today at a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open the expanded Santa Teresa Port of Entry....
- Dona Ana County
- Luna County
- Hidalgo County